Up Skill Your Tech Professionals into Tech Leadership

Give your workforce the cutting-edge expertise they need to unlock new and exciting career opportunities and propel their professional development. Stay ahead in today’s competitive landscape with our tailored professional development solutions.

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Gain the Cutting-Edge Expertise You Need to Unlock New & Exciting Career Opportunities and Propel Your Professional Growth.

After completing one of the courses last night

Up Skill And Never Fall Again

“After completing one of the courses last night, I feel more prepared to take on my next project. More importantly, I’m excited about coding again.”  

– Morgan Riley (Front-End Dev) 

Here for Professionals in all stages

By enrolling in our B2B-focused courses, you gain the knowledge and expertise that directly enhance your value to businesses. Our curriculum covers a wide range of relevant topics, including cutting-edge technologies, industry-specific skills, and business strategies. With this valuable knowledge from BizTech Academy, you can confidently embrace your career transition, secure meaningful employment, or take advantage of lucrative freelance opportunities.

Customer Focused
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By enrolling in our B2B-focused courses

Master Data Analytics and Business Management in Minutes. Not Days.

Introducing our comprehensive B2B courses designed to accelerate your success in the B2B market.
Meet BTA

BizTech Academy readies students for tech leadership through a curriculum of self-paced and live instruction in business management, entrepreneurship, and data analytics. We work with tech leaders to tailor our curriculum to meet department-level needs. Students gain leadership skills and entrepreneurial thinking ability and upskill technically through hands-on gamified applications.

Use Cases: Soft Skills

Scenario: Sarah is a talented tech professional who has recently been promoted to a leadership position at a fast-growing tech company. She recognizes that in addition to her technical expertise, she needs to develop her soft skills to effectively lead and inspire her team. Sarah has heard about BizTech Academy, a renowned provider of micro-learning solutions for professional development, and she believes it could be the perfect resource to enhance her soft skills, particularly in areas such as design thinking, authentic management, goal setting, and impactful influence.

Join our community of veterans, tech professionals, and solopreneurs who are taking charge of their careers with the help of BizTech Academy

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2. Select Plan
3. Download EdApp our partner app company
4. Create Account
5. Start Your First Nano-Lesson

Plans and Pricing

Library Access (Free)

Use code: "invite" for Unrestricted Access to BizTech Academy's Pre-loaded Courses.

Custom Course Creation

We will work with your team to create custom course materials to upskill your talent.

Custom Course Creation

We will work with your team to create custom course materials to upskill your talent.

Our Experience Is Your Advantage

Hear what our incredible students have to say!

Hear what our incredible students

The nano-courses are perfect for learning quickly and efficiently

Mikayla Hernandez
Full-Stack Developer

"Thank you, I feel motivated again!

Ashish B.
Web Developer

“I only had time to try one of the classes today, but it was great! It was so nice because I was waiting for a meeting to start and thought... oh I have ten minutes to do a class real quick. The short amount of time is your best asset!”

Cecily T.
Frontend Developer

Don't wait for opportunity, create it!

Join our community of EMPOWERED tech professionals and start taking control today.   


Sarah decides to explore BizTech Academy’s micro-learning courses to target her specific soft skills needs. Here’s how she can leverage the platform’s offerings:

Design Thinking

Sarah enrolls in BizTech Academy's "Design Thinking for Tech Leaders" course. This micro-learning module provides a comprehensive overview of design thinking principles and their application in the tech industry. It offers interactive video lessons, case studies, and real-world examples that demonstrate how to identify user needs, foster innovation, and create user-centric solutions. The bite-sized format of the course allows Sarah to learn at her own pace, fitting conveniently into her busy schedule.

Authentic Management Style

To enhance her authentic management style, Sarah explores BizTech Academy's "Leading with Authenticity" course. This micro-learning module delves into the importance of authenticity in leadership and provides practical strategies for building trust, fostering genuine connections, and empowering teams. Through engaging video content, quizzes, and reflective exercises, Sarah gains insights into effective communication, vulnerability, and creating a supportive work culture. The micro-learning format allows her to absorb valuable lessons in short bursts, making it easy to integrate into her daily routine.

Goal Setting

For honing her goal-setting skills, Sarah enrolls in the "Mastering Goal Setting for Tech Leaders" course at BizTech Academy. This micro-learning module equips her with the knowledge and techniques to set clear, measurable, and motivating goals that align with the organization's vision. Sarah learns how to break down larger objectives into achievable milestones, establish accountability mechanisms, and communicate goals effectively to her team. The course provides practical exercises, templates, and expert advice to support her development as a goal-oriented leader.

Impactful Influence

To strengthen her ability to influence and motivate others, Sarah explores BizTech Academy's "Influential Leadership in the Tech Industry" course. This micro-learning module offers valuable insights into effective communication, persuasive techniques, and emotional intelligence. Sarah learns how to inspire her team, gain buy-in for her ideas, and navigate challenging conversations. Through interactive scenarios and expert interviews, she hones her skills in impactful influence. The modular format enables Sarah to learn on the go, making the most of her available time.


By leveraging BizTech Academy’s micro-learning solutions for soft skills development, Sarah enjoys numerous benefits:


The micro-learning format allows Sarah to access the courses whenever and wherever it's convenient for her. She can learn at her own pace, fitting the modules seamlessly into her busy schedule.

Targeted Learning

BizTech Academy's courses are specifically tailored to tech leaders, ensuring that Sarah receives relevant and industry-specific insights and strategies to enhance her soft skills.

Bite-sized Content

The bite-sized lessons and modules enable Sarah to grasp key concepts quickly and efficiently. The interactive nature of the content keeps her engaged and enhances knowledge retention.

Practical Application

The courses provide practical exercises, case studies, and real-world examples that allow Sarah to apply her newly acquired soft skills directly to her leadership role.

Continuous Learning

BizTech Academy's micro-learning platform offers a diverse library of courses, allowing Sarah to continuously expand her knowledge and skills in various areas of professional development beyond soft skills.

Don't wait for opportunity, create it!

Join our community of EMPOWERED tech professionals and start taking control today.   

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